A pioneer in ecotourism 

Play Kontio­lahti – taking respon­si­bi­lity for our environment

Kontio­lahti is a nature tourism desti­na­tion that is also easily acces­sible by bike, bus or walking.
A close relationship with nature, respon­sible use and respect for nature are impor­tant North Karelian values that local tourism compa­nies also take into account when provi­ding services. 

Kontio­lahti nurtures biodi­ver­sity in many ways. Lake salmon are protected by resto­ring spawning areas near the Kuurna hydro­power plant. The Laurin­virta Nature Trail will be opened in the area, giving people the chance to learn more about the life of lake salmon. A project to restore the former Linnunsuo peatland and reduce carbon emissions has received inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion. Plans for the Arctic Blue Resort ecolo­gical develop­ment project are moving ahead in the magni­ficent Lake Höytiäinen landscape.