Open all year round


Cafe-restau­rant, accom­mo­da­tion and travel park.

Kontio­lomat is located in the old Kontio­niemi school, Kontio­lahti. Apart­ments for rent for large and small groups, as well as a travel park for those trave­ling with their own means of accom­mo­da­tion. You can also enjoy tasty pizzas in the restaurant-café. 

Visit website

Kontio­nie­mentie 26 A, 80770 Kontiolahti

Restau­rant Aiho

In Lehmo, restau­rant Aiho offers fresh lunch with a great atmosp­here. You can buy salty and sweet delicacies or even use the restau­rant for parties.

Visit webpage, Maste­rintie 3

Confec­tio­nery Rosalinda

From the café in the village of Kontio­lahti, savory and sweet pastries for both everyday and festive occasions can be found. Lunch and break­fast is served on weekdays.

Visit webpage, Keskus­katu 14