Hieronta ja kunto­val­mennus Power­feel (massage and fitness coaching)

The versa­tile massage and fitness coaching provided by Power­feel and the Power­feel gym include: muscle condi­tio­ning, massage, rehabi­li­ta­tion, Neuro­sonic treat­ment (vibra­tion targe­ting the autono­mous nervous system), prepa­ra­tion of fitness programmes or indivi­dual training programmes, diet programmes, and compre­hen­sive sports coaching.

Cross-country skiing instruc­tion and group exercise by order, inclu­ding SUP board rentals that can carry several people, interior design service (meart design) or even being chauf­feured in Marian­ne’s festive car to weddings or other events.

The services are available at building number 2 at Vaara Sport, on the website and in social media 
